There are several different levels of sedation for kids, ranging from mild to deep, depending on what the dental procedure is and how fearful or reactive the child is. Most sedation levels leave the child able to respond to the dentist and do what they need to do. There is no age limit to sedation dentistry, and adults can use it also.
Kids’ sedation dentistry – sedation pediatric dentistry near me
You may have wondered if kids’ sedation dentistry in Miami FL is something that your child should have. And you may wonder what sedation dentistry is. Sedation dentistry is when your dentist gives your child a mild sedative to help alleviate their anxiety or reactivity about dental procedures. This is more commonly used when they have the potential for some significant dental pain and/or an infection that has to be cleaned out. Most kids are able to tolerate cleanings and even small fillings without much sedation.
But, if your child has a strong gag reflex or they get fearful very quickly, your dentist may recommend sedation dentistry as an option. This is also true if your child is fearful of the noise of the drill. Most kids will not need general anesthesia unless they need a significant procedure. Light sedation is often all that they need.
We’ll learn more about kids sedation dentistry in just a moment, but first let’s stop and take a moment to see what some of the experts of pediatric dentistry have to say about kids sedation dentistry.
The national Survey of Children’s Health reveals that certain factors affect the oral health of children more than others (Edelstein BL, 2017).
Some factors include their socioeconomic status, and other social determinants including low educational levels and a lack of social cohesion (Edelstein BL, 2017).
It is important for parents to be educated on the need for pediatric dental care and where to locate a good clinic. It is also important that parents are exposed to multiple reviews of different clinics and recommendations through their social groups. According to Healthy People, health is influenced by our community, the available resources, and the condition of social relationships (Edelstein BL,2017).
What is kids’ sedation dentistry Miami FL? Oral sedation in children’s dentistry
Your pediatric dentist likely has a goal of providing a safe dental procedure for your child that doesn’t cause them fear or pain. Oral sedation is one way to ensure that your child does not have an unpleasant experience.
It should be noted that sedation dentistry does come with some risks, but both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Academy of Pediatric dentistry have strong guidelines for dentists and oral surgeons when it comes to using sedation with young patients.
Two people have to be in the room who are trained in providing life support measures in case your child runs into any problems. These include the dentist or the oral surgeon. The other person will be an anesthesiologist, an anesthetist, or a second oral surgeon.
There are a few different types of sedation used in pediatric dental clinics for children who are receiving dental treatment. The least invasive is nitrous oxide otherwise known as laughing gas. This is mixed with a little oxygen and breathed in by the child. They often are awake so this is a conscious sedation technique, but they will be more relaxed about the dental procedure. They may get a little goofy, hence the name laughing gas, but generally speaking it’s well tolerated by most children.
Mild sedation is another form of conscious sedation. It’s a combination of medications used for older children and adults. They may not have any recollection of what happened during their dental treatment. But these are safely given by dentists and oral surgeons and your child will stay awake during the procedure.
Stronger sedation is sometimes necessary if the oral surgeon has more significant procedures to do. Children are often sleepier during this type of sedation, but they will not remember much about the process. Both dentists and oral surgeons can give these medications and monitor your child during the process. This is often a better treatment choice for older children or young adults.
Deep sedation involves IV sedation and your child will be asleep throughout the procedure. There will be a monitor in the room who will constantly observe your child’s heart rate, blood pressure, and blood oxygen level during the procedure until they wake back up. Your child will not be ready to go home until this observing professional is comfortable with them being able to leave.
The last type of sedation is general anesthesia. This is often done during dental surgery at either a hospital or a surgical center. This is most often used for things like wisdom teeth extraction or significant root canal repair. It is not often used in general dental care. Many professionals will be in the room with your child helping make sure that they are receiving the correct type of medication and your child will be monitored throughout the procedure.
Can you pay monthly for dental implants? Sedation dentistry for kids
The good news is yes, you can pay monthly for dental implants. Many oral surgeons will offer some type of payment plan in combination with your dental insurance company. Depending on the coverage you have via your dental insurance, there may be more or less out of pocket expense.
If you know you are going to need implants, it may be beneficial for you to talk to your benefits administrator or dental plan administrator to see if you are able to change the type of coverage you have to provide you with better coverage for your surgery. Otherwise, talk to the office staff at the oral surgeon’s clinic to learn more about payment plans for each of your dental visits while you get your implants installed.
How painful is the dental implant procedure? Sedation dentistry for kids near me
This is a question that is best answered by your oral surgeon, because every person will have a different experience. It depends upon the density of your bone and your jaw, and how many implants you will have to have. However, if you have good bones and you don’t need a lot of soft tissue or gum surgery, you will likely have a moderate pain level for the first day or two which can be helped by over-the-counter pain medications.
The pain may last for a total of a week or so, and there may be some tenderness around the implant site. As time goes on, the pain level will reduce and you should be able to return to work or school about 3 days after your implant surgery.
What happens if you don’t get dental implants?
This again is a question best answered by your oral surgeon. Depending on what you need to have done, it may be as simple as your teeth will drift and perhaps not line up as well as they once did, or you may be at risk for significant infections or damage to your other teeth. You may also experience infections in the bone of the jaw or even have nerve damage. Your oral surgeon will assess your unique needs and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about whether you need implants or if you can find a different route to fill that gap in your teeth.
Edelstein B. L. (2017). Pediatric dental-Focused Interprofessional Interventions: Rethinking Early Childhood Oral Health Management. Dental clinics of North America, 61(3), 589–606.
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