Dental sealants are plastic coatings, thin, painted on the chewing surface of your children’s teeth, usually to the molar and premolars, to eliminate tooth cavities and decay. Also, the sealants quickly bond into the depression and grooves of their teeth, forming a protective layer over the enamel of each tooth. If you are considering dental sealants for kids, Schedule Your Appointment Today!
Although brushing and flossing can remove plaque, tartar, and food particles buildup above the tooth surface, they cannot always get into holes and plains of the back teeth. Sealants protect these vulnerable areas from cavities by covering the teeth from plaque and food.
What are Dental Sealants for Kids?
Because children’s teeth are more likely to get cavities to the depression ad grooves of their premolar and molars. Childrens and teens are the candidates for dental sealants; however, adults would also benefit from the sealant.
Typically, childrens get sealants on their permanent teeth as soon as they erupt. This way, dental sealants for kids can protect their teeth from the cavity-prone years of age six to fourteen.
Sometimes, dental sealants may also be appropriate for baby teeth because children don’t focus on their teeth and gums, which may lead to severe infection and cavities in their teeth. Your baby teeth play an important role in holding the correct spacing between the permanent teeth; it’s also important to keep these teeth healthy and hygienic so they don’t lose early. Therefore you should conisder visiting a sealants dentist to know what is best for your children’s teeth.
Why Use Dental Sealants For Kids?
Sealants are the easiest and fastest way to save your children’s teeth by making a barrier to cavity-prone areas. Sealants for teeth are usually applied to the surface of your molars and premolars, benefiting both primary and permanent teeth.
Toothbrushes Cannot Reach Everything.
Bruising and flossing help remove plaque and food particles from your teeth’ surface. But toothbrush bristles cannot reach all parts of your mouth, so some particles leave behind, leading to teeth cavities and gums infections. Here come teeth sealants to save your teeth by providing extra support to vulnerable areas through plaque and food.
What Are The Benefits of Dental Sealants For Kids?
Sealants on teeth add a protective barrier to the surface of your teeth and save you from harmful decay-causing bacteria and plaque. Your teeth have many tiny pores where bacteria constantly accumulate, leading to decay and infection.
Sealant for teeth is a practical tool that gives more durability and security to your teeth and keeps your smile a long way. Also, in this article, you will learn some benefits of the sealant:
Not only can sealant be used for children, but also sealants are suitable for all ages. Contrary to what people think, sealants aren’t only for children’s teeth, and while it is mainly used for them, adult people still need to get sealant. Because the permanent teeth of adults also have many small holes that need to be covered to protect them from bacteria.
- Sealants heal, protecting teeth against cavities
- Sealants also reduce deep holes and make the surface smoother
- The application of a sealant is quick and painless
- They’re very durable and long-lasting
- Sealants can help you save from severe dental infections and cavities, which in turn leads to saving a lot of money
How Do Pediatric Dentists Apply Sealants?
A dentist applies sealant to your teeth in a manner you won’t feel any pain. It takes only a few minutes of your time to apply and seal each tooth. Below you will find all the steps in brief:
Most dentists follow a similar procedure for applying dental sealants for kids. These simple and painless steps will reveal both teeth sealants pros and cons.
Clean And Dry The Teeth
The first step of applying a dental sealant is cleaning each tooth thoroughly. This helps to prevent any issues after treatment completes, which also increases the effectiveness of the sealants.
After cleaning, your teeth are dried, and gauze of cotton is placed around the tooth to keep them dry.
Apply An Acidic Solution
The next step is the application of the acidic solution to your teeth. This help stronger bonding between the coating chewing surface of premolars and molars teeth.
This solution does not cause any discomfort. Also, it won’t affect your teeth’ enamel, and people can hardly see the sealant material on your teeth. After the sealant wears off, your teeth look as natural as it was ten years before the application.
Rinse And Dry The Teeth
The tooth is then rinsed off thoroughly and dried to ensure your teeth are adequately cleaned and ready for dental sealant application. This is easy with non-invasive dental appliances and takes less than minutes for placement.
Paint The Sealant Over The Enamel
The next step after cleaning and rinsing the teeth is roughening with the acid solution in order to paint the sealant over the teeth layer. This very thin coating adds a layer of protection over the enamel without compromising the aesthetic look of your teeth. This step in the treatment does not cause discomfort and takes a few seconds to complete.
Harden The Dental Sealant With A Curing Light
After all, the last step is to harden the sealant with UV or curing light. This allows dental sealant for a stronger and more durable hold that holds and reduces the risk of any complication required for the reapplication of sealant material.
How Long Do Dental Sealants Last?
Sealants can protect your teeth from decay and severe infection for up to ten years; however, they need to be checked for wearing or chipping by your dentist. Therefore you should consider seeking a dentist for a thorough diagnosis at least two times a year. So if they find any issue, they can replace the sealant if needed.
If you want to protect your children’s teeth long-term, consider contacting a dentist near me in Miami for dental sealants that provide a thin layer of protection to their teeth. Dental sealant material protects your teeth from cavities and gums by adding layers to block germs and food particles.