Getting your child started with visiting a pediatric dentist is the best thing you can do to help them make sure they have good oral health for life. The dentist’s office can teach you and your child what kinds of home care habits you need to build to care for your child’s teeth between visits to the dentist. Kids should visit the pediatric dentist twice a year so your dentist can monitor your child’s teeth and make sure the adult teeth are developing as they should.
Child dental care
You may wonder what you should know about child dental care. You might also wonder if taking your child to a general dentist is just as good as taking them to pediatric dentists. The answer is it really is better for your child’s dental health to take them to a pediatric dentist. Your pediatric dentist will know how to care for your child’s baby teeth as well as their permanent teeth, and watch for any potential issues that may be developing.
One of the absolute best things you can do to get your child started with a lifetime of good oral health is by visiting the dentist. This is the best way to prevent cavities and learn what you need to do at home to care for your child’s teeth to keep them strong and healthy. You’ll even learn how to brush your child’s teeth.
We’ll dive into more information about what you need to know when it comes to how to find the best child dental care in Miami FL in just a moment, but let’s take a look at what some of the experts of pediatric dentistry and orthodontics have to say.
Experts have been noticing that dental cavities are a serious issue that is common among children in developed as well as developing countries (Anil & Anand, 2017).
Early childhood cavities are defined as one or more spots on a milk tooth in a child 5 years old or younger. These spots can be decay, missing, or filled surfaces on the tooth (Anil & Anand, 2017).
There are any number of things that go into early childhood cavities. Eating a diet high in sugar, poor home care like brushing your child’s teeth, little or no fluoride, and flaws in the dental enamel are just some of these factors (Anil & Anand, 2017).
Which is the best clinic for child dental care? Child’s dental care
The best clinic for your child’s teeth needs to meet qualifications that you determine. You can certainly look for a top rated pediatric dentist online and book appointments to meet the staff to see what kind of dental care they provide, or you can ask your friends and family for recommendations of who they like when it comes to pediatric dentists.
But, that only goes so far. Do they take your insurance? Do you like how the staff and you get along? Are you happy with the waiting area? Is the pediatric dentist near you so it’s easy to make your appointments?
A good child dental care clinic will also teach your child how to care for their teeth. When it comes to brushing their teeth, you will want to use just a pea-sized amount of toothpaste on their toothbrush. Or, if your child is just an infant, you’ll use even less toothpaste – about the size of a grain of rice. There are electric toothbrushes that children can use, or they can use a small soft bristled manual brush. Your dentist will be happy to show you how to brush in small circles because healthy teeth start at home.
The best clinic for child dental care will also be one that is able to do a lot of preventive care. Dental caries, otherwise known as cavities, can be caught early by making regular appointments with your pediatric dentist. You might think that because they are baby teeth it doesn’t matter how you care for them, but tooth decay in baby teeth can actually lead to decay in the adult teeth as they grow in. This is because the bacteria can get below the gum line and start damaging the gums and the adult teeth to come.
How do I find good child dental care? Child care dental
You can start off your search for a good child dentist by looking on the internet for highly rated pediatric dentists. Many of them will also have reviews that you can read so you can find out what other clients had in terms of their experience at this dentist.
Another great way to find a good pediatric dentist is to find ones that offer you a free initial consultation. This gives you a chance to visit the office and meet the staff. You can also have an insurance review done to see if your dental insurance plan is able to be accepted by this office.
Asking your friends and family for referrals is another fantastic option. If they had a good experience, chances are you will, too. People love to share when they got great service.
How to choose an orthodontist for my braces? Child’s dental care
Much like choosing a pediatric dentist, you will want to do some research ahead of time to find a great orthodontist to help you with braces for either yourself or your child. Looking for top rated orthodontists online is a great first step. Many orthodontists will have reviews on their websites along with before and after photos so you get a great sense of the kind of experience you can have if you choose to go with this clinic. Online review sites will also have the ability to give you detailed reviews that you can read.
A free initial consultation is another great place to take advantage of getting a first-hand look at the office and meet the orthodontist. You will be spending about two to three years in their care, so you want to make sure that you like what you see and that everyone in your family is happy with the service they receive.
Some insurance plans cover orthodontic treatment while others don’t, so asking for an insurance review is also a good idea as this gives you the ability to find out what coverage you have and also discuss payment plans which help you break up the large expense of orthodontics into smaller monthly payments.
Who is the best orthodontist in Miami FL? Child’s dental
The best orthodontist in Miami is a relative term. What makes an orthodontist great for one person may not be the same qualities that someone else looks for. Ultimately, you want to find someone you can get along with well, and who offers the types of treatment you’re looking for like braces, Invisalign, and other treatment types.
You also want to find out how close they are to you, your work, or your child’s school, because making all of your appointments is one of the most important things you can do. Braces require monthly check-ins to either tighten the wires or receive the new set of Invisalign aligners. And, this is how your orthodontist will monitor your progress. Without making these appointments, your progress will stall.
As we mentioned before, a good orthodontist is also someone who will accept your insurance or be willing to work out a payment plan for you. Good dental care only exists if you actually are able to get it, and most high quality dentists and orthodontist will do everything they can to make sure you get the dental care you need.
Anil, S., & Anand, P. S. (2017). Early Childhood Caries: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prevention. Frontiers in pediatrics, 5, 157.