When you find out about a good pediatric dental center, don’t be surprised if you are amazed at different aspects of the services and care provided which you may or may not have experienced before.
Pediatric dental center of Miami
Let’s take a look at some of the aspects of the pediatric dental center in Miami. Pediatric dental clinics may or may not be something that you’re familiar with. It may be that a lot of residents in Miami are not familiar with the pediatric dental center of Miami FL. Unfortunately, this is not the biggest negative thing that happens with pediatric dental health.
Research shows that pediatric dental care still has a long way to go because infants, children, and teens may not be visiting the pediatric dentist dr or dental offices as often as they should. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that the majority of children have had early childhood caries (ECC) at some point in their lives. Experts have noticed that it is a serious health issue that appears to affect many children in both developed and developing countries (Anil & Anand, 2017).
ECC is defined as the presence of one or more decayed, missing, or filled tooth surfaces in any primary tooth in a child at 71 months of age or younger (Anil & Anand, 2017).
There are many influencing factors that contribute to this condition. They include high sugar intake, lack of oral hygiene, lack of fluoride exposure, and enamel defects (Anil & Anand, 2017).
As such, pediatric dentists and dental health practitioners who are specialists in dental care can provide you with information on ensuring your child does not develop ECC or any other dental ailment.
So what does this have to do with the pediatric dental center of Miami, you may be wondering? You can visit your local pediatric dental clinic of Miami Fl and enroll your child.
The American Dental Association recommends that children visit their dentist regularly after the eruption of the first tooth. Additionally, although the pediatric dental center specializes in pediatric dental care, adults can benefit from this clinic, too. Ask your child’s dentist about referring you for teeth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, and general oral health and dental care for adults.
Your child’s dentist may be able to refer you to a dental office. In fact, you may be so impressed with the services that you and your child receive that you will spread the word about the pediatric dental care you received at the center for pediatric care in Miami.
Now, when it comes to managing pediatric dental conditions, unfortunately some children may require a root canal. Speak to your pediatric dentist for more information about this if this pertains to your child.
How does an emergency dentist differ from a general dentist? Center for pediatric dental care
In summary, an emergency dentist is pretty much a general dentist who has had more extensive training in emergency dental care and in trauma related dental health. Additionally, you’re likely to find an emergency dentist in emergency type situations like in hospitals or urgent care facilities, and their hours of business generally extend past regular business hours; and can often be around the clock.
On the other hand, general dentists are the most common type of dentists who treat patients ranging from very young children to the elderly. They also provide services for general dental or oral health issues. These can include but are not limited to: dental check-up appointments, dental restorations such as fillings or crown placement, teeth whitening, and dental cleaning.
If you have dental pain that is unbearable and that you believe is impossible to delay dealing with until your regular dental office is open, then you should seek out an emergency dentist.
One of the most common emergency dental procedures is the root canal.
Many people are familiar with the term and understand that it involves a lot of pain. If you believe you may need a root canal treatment and your general dental office is open, you can choose to see your general dentist because general dentists are also trained to perform this procedure. It may be beneficial to see your general dentist if possible, because more often than not, you will require multiple treatment sessions on your root canal treatment journey.
Why are multiple sessions needed for the root-canal treatment? Pediatric dental center of Miami,
Firstly, let’s establish why a root canal may be necessary. This treatment is required when there is damage or infection to a tooth that has gone beyond just the outer layers of the tooth or the enamel and has damaged the internal nerve. As such, it is not surprising that the patient may feel extreme sensitivity and pain in the tooth. The root canal treatment therefore is required to remove the damaged areas in an effort to avoid removing the whole tooth.
The overall treatment procedure may require more than one visit to the dentist in order to completely ensure that the tooth does not become reinfected. At the first appointment, the dentist will perform an x-ray to determine the extent of the damage, then use local anesthesia to numb the area, and then proceed to remove all signs of decay or infection in the tooth. Additionally, the dentist will remove the damaged nerve in the tooth canal and proceed to cleaning and irrigating the site.
After this, the dentist will fill the tooth with a substance temporarily to prevent re-infection and ask the patient to return for a subsequent appointment where the tooth will be filled more permanently. The whole process should take about two visits, but sometimes it can require more appointments if the tooth or teeth are more difficult to treat than usual, or there may be other factors affecting the integrity of the teeth.
Can we go for a root canal with high diabetes? Center pediatric dental care
If you have diabetes, it is important that you let your dentist know before performing any root canal treatments. Diabetes has been linked to higher occurrences of root canal failures and you may not process medications the way other patients will.
What is the worst part of having a root canal? Pediatric dental center of Miami
There is no one single answer to this as many people have different experiences. Some people say that the worst part of having a root canal is before having treatment because of the pain experienced from the infection and the tooth decay. Others say that the worst part of having the root canal is having the local anesthetic injected into the area. However, once the anesthetic begins to work, your mouth should be numb and you shouldn’t feel anything during the process. Let your dentist know if you’re having pain during the treatment process.
Anil, S., & Anand, P. S. (2017). Early Childhood Caries: Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Prevention. Frontiers in pediatrics, 5, 157. https://doi.org/10.3389/fped.2017.00157