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7 Strategies to Help You Find the Perfect Children’s Dentist Specialist Near Me

Children’s dentist specialist near me

Having some strategies to help you find the most suitable pediatric dentist for your child will help make the process a lot easier.  The American Dental Association recommends that you get your child to a pediatric dentist no later than their first birthday, but ideally when their first teeth start to emerge.

Children’s dentist specialist near me

If you’ve recently moved to a new area, for example Miami, Florida, you may know that one of your tasks is to locate good health professionals that are close by.

This includes looking for health professionals such as dentists, pediatricians, medical practitioners, and more for yourself and your family. When it comes to your children, it is important that you find the most suitable children’s dentist specialist that will be able to best meet their needs. A good pediatric dentist can make a huge difference in your child’s life.

Some of the advantages of having regular visits to the pediatric dentist include regular dental care and specific pediatric dental services, whereby your children’s dentist examines and monitors their oral health to ensure that your children have and continue to maintain healthy smiles.

Children’s dentist specialist near me

One common question among parents is whether their child really needs to see a pediatric dentist or if a general family dentist can perform the same tasks. The answer to this question is a relatively simple one, all children need pediatric dentistry and so it is important for parents to schedule an appointment with their child’s pediatric dentist on a regular basis. Pediatric dentists are specially trained to manage and treat dental issues in children of all ages including infants, children, and teens.

So while general dentists and pediatric dentists are both types of dentists and have years of training, pediatric dentists are general dentists who have also specialized in pediatric dentistry and care for children and their dental health. Pediatric dentist are dental specialists who specialize in preventative dentistry, management and treatment, for the specific dental issues found in children and adolescents.

Additionally, they are also trained to be able to effectively build rapport with children which is essential to successful treatment. Children are not miniature adults and so some of the techniques that can be used for adults may not work with children. If you are like other parents, you may have done internet searches for phrases such as ‘dental services for children,’ ‘children’s dental’,’childrens dentist specialist near me,’ ‘childrens dentist specialist near me in Miami FL,’ ‘children’s dentist specialist,’ or ‘care center who offers comprehensive dental children’s dentist specialist near me,’ or any other combination of those words. While this is a good step, it is crucial for you to ensure that your chosen pediatric dentist is able to provide comprehensive dental care for your children.

The American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Dental Association recommend that children should have the first visit with the dentist between about 6 and 12 months of age or at the eruption of the first tooth. However, research shows that not everyone does this, and not every parent regularly takes their child to visit a pediatric dentist. A lot of parents may take their children to a pediatric dentist if they require treatment such as braces or any other appliance. If you are in that boat, it is not too late to begin regular appointments with your pediatric dentist care centers.

In fact, you might have questions regarding the average cost of braces, including the different types and what your options are when it comes to braces. Additionally, you may want to know the pros and cons of dental braces for children. These are really good questions, but it is also good to discuss this with your child’s pediatric dentist who will be able to give you specific information tailored to your child.

What pediatric is best for children? Children’s dentist specialist near me

Depending on what dental problems a child may have, and the specific needs of the child, you may need to visit a further specialized dentist. This highlights another advantage of regularly visiting a pediatric dentist. If your regular pediatric dentist notices an anomaly in your child’s dentition, he or she can refer you to orthodontic specialists for treatment for your children. The pediatric dentist can notice these abnormalities before they become a significant problem and refer the child for early orthodontic treatment.

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that prevents and treats facial, dental, and occlusal anomalies (Hung M et al.,2021).

If left untreated, orthodontic problems can lead to significant dental and general health issues (Hung M et al.,2021).

What is the average cost of metal, ceramic braces? Children’s dentist specialist near me

There are different kinds of braces such as the traditional metal braces which are the cheapest, and also the more well-known type. Next in line are ceramic braces which offer the advantage of better appearance than traditional metal braces.  Because of this additional advantage, ceramic braces may be slightly more expensive than metal braces, but they may also be slightly cheaper, and overall ranging from $4,000-$8,000. Metal braces can range between $3,000 to $7,500.

According to research, total orthodontic expenses in the US increased from $11.5 billion in 1996 to $19.9 billion in 2016 (Hung M et al.,2021). It is possible for these expenses to be reduced if people contact an orthodontist and begin treatment as soon as possible.

What are the pros and cons of dental braces? Children’s dentist specialist

However, if your dentist recommends orthodontics for you or your child, it is important to know what options are available to you and what the advantages and disadvantages of each option are. It may be that Invisalign is better for you than fixed braces, or another orthodontic procedure may be what you need. Speak to your orthodontist and dentist about your specific needs.

Some of the pros and cons include:

  • Your teeth will look better after your treatment.
  • Treatment in adults may take longer than in children.
  • Braces can help reduce and prevent other dental issues.
  • Dental hygiene could be affected with braces and so you will need to get specific guidance from your dentist or pediatric dentist if you or your child needs braces.
  • Braces could reveal other dental issues.

What are suggestions for a good dentist or pediatrician? Children’s specialist dentist

It is obvious that a good general dentist and a good pediatric dentist are crucial for your family’s oral health. Some strategies for locating good dentist care centers for you and your child are as follows although this list is not exhaustive.

It is important that you do your research before visiting and scheduling an appointment with a dentist. Seek out reviews from friends and your social network.

  • You will want to find a dentist who is approachable and friendly both for you and your child.
  • Some dental offices offer no obligation free initial consultations so that once you narrow down your options, you can further make sure that they are suitable for you and your family’s needs before committing to them.
  • Look for a dentist with the right dental knowledge who also maintains continual professional development.
  • It is necessary to find a dental office with updated state-of-the-art equipment to ensure that they are following current evidence-based practice guidelines.
  • For your pediatric dentist, in addition to the above, it is necessary for your chosen pediatric dentist to be able to develop a good rapport with children. The absence of this means that children may be uncomfortable and uneasy at the dentist which will hinder effective treatment.
  • Additionally, seek out pediatric dental offices that are obviously child friendly with compassionate and caring staff who are patient with children. The pediatric office environment should also be welcoming to children, and include age appropriate resources.
  • Finally, look for a pediatric dentist who is both friendly and authoritative and can explain effectively to your child the importance of the treatment while ensuring your child’s comfort.


Hung, M., Su, S., Hon, E. S., Tilley, E., Macdonald, A., Lauren, E., Roberson, G., & Lipsky, M. S. (2021). Examination of orthodontic expenditures and trends in the United States from 1996 to 2016: disparities across demographics and insurance payers. BMC oral health, 21(1), 268.