Finding a pediatric dentist near you can start with an internet search to see who is nearby and who has really good ratings and reviews. Then you can book an appointment to see how you like the office.
Dentist near me for kids
There are a number of places to get dental services. It depends in part on what kind of dental care you need which of these specialists you will see. All dentists start off as general dentists, because that is the degree they have when they graduate from dental school. General dentists are able to do a lot of dental care like exams, cleanings, treatments for low-level gum disease, fillings to repair cavities, crowns and bridges, and teeth whitening. Some general dentists offer Invisalign because the software is designed to be easy to use by any dental professional.
Then there are specialists who go on to do more training after they get their general dentistry degree. One such expert is a periodontist, who works with gum disease and any bone loss in the jaws. Sometimes a deep cleaning is all that is needed to help restore health, but other issues may need bone or gum grafts to bring your mouth back to a stable healthy state.
Endodontists are experts in root canals. Most general dentists can do root canals, but endodontists do nothing but these procedures along with some other surgeries to address chronic infections.
Orthodontists will be the expert you see when you have dental and/or jaw alignment issues. Many kids will see an orthodontist to correct any malocclusions or crooked teeth in their tweens or teen years.
Oral surgeons do things like wisdom tooth extractions, jaw surgery to help align poorly aligned jaws, reconstructive surgery for people who have had an accident, tumor biopsies, TMJ surgery, and sometimes bone grafts.
Prosthodontists are people who make replacement teeth for people who either are missing some or all of their teeth. They might do dentures, partial dentures, crowns, or bridges. They do more than a general dentist does when it comes to doing reconstructive dentures that help people who may have lost some jaw bone due to cancer surgery, or people who had a traumatic accident.
A pediatric dentist is someone who works with infants, children, and teens and their unique dental needs. They are uniquely trained to help kids feel less stressed, and to examine what their teeth development looks like. A dentist near me for kids will do exams and cleanings, and provide you with the information you need to help your child get off to the right start when it comes to caring for their oral health. In some instances, your child may be a good candidate for sedation dentistry to help them stay calm.
Before we go on and learn more about dentistry, let’s pause for a moment and learn more from some of the experts in dentist near me for kids in Miami FL.
Pediatric dental practices are often changing, and you will want to be sure to pick a pediatric dentist who will keep up with the science and trends (Shah S, 2017).
Parents will want to read reviews and talk to the staff at the pediatric dentistry clinic to learn more about what they do when it comes to continuing education (Shah S, 2017).
Parents will also want to ask how the pediatric dentistry clinic collaborates with other disciplines to make sure your child gets the best oral health care possible, and that involves a custom treatment plan for them based on their individual needs (Shah S, 2017).
Are there lifestyle changes I should make to have healthy teeth? Best dentist for kids near me
There are a number of things you can do to help your teeth be healthy. Brushing and flossing are the biggest component of a home oral hygiene routine. You should brush your teeth with a soft bristle brush using small circles, followed by flossing with either dental floss or a water irrigation device.
When you rinse your teeth, you will want to be sure that you don’t rinse out too much of the fluoride on the teeth. You can also use a medicated mouthwash to help kill bacteria in the mouth.
Another big thing you can do is to make all of your dental appointments to have your teeth professionally cleaned and the health of your teeth and gums checked. When you schedule an appointment, your dental office will take X-rays, examine the health of your teeth and gums, check your mouth for any possible oral cancers, and clean your teeth.
And, if you smoke, one of the best things you can do to help your teeth is to stop smoking. It will help your teeth stay cleaner, your breath be fresher, and your gums healthier.
How does a dentist fix dental issues in kids? Dentists for kids near me
Pediatric dental issues are usually not as severe as the ones that affect adults. That is not to say that you can ignore the dental health of your child. Your pediatric dentist will do a lot towards preventative care like dental exams and regular cleanings. They will also help teach you things about how to care for your child’s teeth at home, including proper brushing of teeth.
Your pediatric dentistry office may also use dental sealants or fluoride treatments to help support the teeth and keep them strong. If there is a cavity, your pediatric dentist will drill out the decay and use a filling material. Many pediatric offices use a tooth colored plastic or composite material instead of metal amalgam in children.
If a child has a severe cavity or a dental infection, your dentist may do a root canal to help save the tooth. If that seems like it won’t be necessary in a baby tooth, consider that it is a place holder for your child’s adult teeth and you don’t want to have an infection there that could harm them.
Your pediatric dentist will also help your child end any habits like thumb sucking or late use of pacifiers. Or, if your child loses a baby tooth too early, your dentist can put in a spacer to keep the teeth from drifting until the adult tooth can grow in. There are lots of treatment options to choose from. Some dentists may use a false tooth attached to a retainer, while others might use a mechanical spacer. Your dentist will advise you on what is best.
Is it worth it to buy my kids braces? Dentists that do Invisalign near me
It is absolutely worth it to get braces for your child! The teeth will be in a healthy alignment, and your child’s self-esteem will be greatly improved when they have a great looking, confident smile. That healthy alignment will mean your child’s teeth will meet correctly and not cause pain in the teeth or jaw, and the teeth will wear properly. It might seem expensive at first, but it is a worthwhile investment in your child’s smile for life.
Can parents take a kid to get braces without the kid’s consent? Dentists near me that do Invisalign
While a child under the age of 18 cannot give their own consent to any dental or orthodontic treatment, it is not a good idea to force a child to get any sort of treatment. They may not take care of their teeth and braces as they should, or they might even sabotage them. You should instead make the decision about braces with your child, to determine what the right treatment options are, and to obtain their buy-in to the process. Kids who have a bite issue or crooked teeth will likely be happy or even relieved to get braces to correct the issue.
Shah S. (2017). Pediatric dentistry- novel evolvement. Annals of medicine and surgery (2012), 25, 21–29.