Finding out what you can about a prospective dentist or orthodontist can be useful for determining if they are suitable for your child. It can seem like a scary process to find a dentist, but it doesn’t have to be.
Dentist children’s near me – best children’s dentist near me
When people start looking for their local dentist children’s near me in Miami Fl or a South Florida dentist for children of all ages, you are really looking for expert care centers that can treat your entire family including infants, children, and teens. Many people hope they can find a simple list of places that offer pediatric dental services for children and adolescents, or maybe they just pick one of the names at the top of the search results list like Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, but is that a guaranteed way to make sure that you find the best place?
When you are looking for dental services for children, a pediatric dentist, or would like to schedule an appointment or book an appointment online, you want to make sure you’re finding the best. And you may have lots of questions, like what kind of types of dentists are there? What are common dental health considerations for children? Can pediatric dentistry help with thumb sucking? And what are the top 10 pediatric dentists in my area anyway?
Finding the best means finding a place that is best relative to you. For instance, there might be a facility that has doctors you love, is a place your kids enjoy going, can offer world-class medical treatment, but you must be scheduled 6 months in advance. Obviously in this case despite the fact that it is the best across one axis, it may not be in the price range or the time frame that will be best for you across another axis of measurement.
This is why it’s absolutely essential that when you look at lists you bear in mind that best is relative, what is important is what is best for you. Before we get into that question and others, let’s take a look at what the experts of orthodontic medicine have to say on the topic of dentist children’s near me.
Orthodontic treatment provided by pediatric dentists has reduced over the past decades and is not expected to change in the next 5 years (Hilgers, KK et al.,2003).
Most dental health practitioners spent less than 10% of their practice time providing orthodontic treatment and reported that this would not change in the future according to research (Hilgers, KK et al.,2003).
Parents should ensure that their children’s dental practitioners provide the appropriate management even if they are dual trained. Research shows that those who were dual trained in pediatric dentistry and orthodontics spent more time providing orthodontic treatment, although nearly half spent at least 50% of their time providing traditional pediatric dental treatment. And, most dental practitioners provide orthodontic treatment when children have milk teeth or a mixture of adult and milk teeth (Hilgers, KK et al.,2003).
What types of dentists are there? Dentist for children’s near me
Generally dentists will fall into one of two categories, general dentists and pediatric dentists. General dentists, as the name suggests, are the dentists that everybody is familiar with. They do all of the basic general dentistry work and often times have small clinics nestled inside a variety of neighborhoods. These individuals are great when it comes to treating all types of dental issues from general cleaning and examinations all the way up to teeth extractions or replacing crowns.
The other type is pediatric dentists. These are general dentists who got an additional certification to work in pediatric dental medicine. The needs of children when it comes to protecting their oral health often differ from those of adults and so having the additional certification is a way to protect the oral health of your little one and ensure that the individual treating them is familiar with all the best standards and practices when it comes to protecting the teeth and long-term oral health of your child.
What are the common issues of dental health in children? Best children’s dentists near me
Common health issues in children can include things like cavities, irregular wearing of the teeth due to grinding, adult teeth not coming in to the correct positions, baby teeth that may not be coming in to their correct positions, overbite, underbite, and generally a simple lack of oral hygiene are especially common in children. While none of these issues are generally extremely serious, visiting your pediatric dentist can help make sure that they do not become serious. Many of the issues mentioned if left unattended can become expensive, painful, and potentially dangerous to your children if left unaddressed.
How can pediatric dentistry help in thumbsucking? Children’s dentists near me
Many individuals may not be aware but thumb sucking as a long-term habit is actually a major problem and can cause serious issues for your little one. Children who suck thumbs for too long oftentimes will develop an overbite and if they are already genetically susceptible to overbite, then it is very likely thumb sucking will exacerbate the problem. This can potentially lead to severe overbite which can cause speech impediment, poor bite connection, irregular wearing of the teeth which can lead to cavities, extraction, and in severe cases even speech impediments.
With that in mind then, what can your pediatric dentist do to help? Besides simply making you aware of these issues, your pediatric dentist can also give you helpful suggestions on how to start breaking your child out of the thumb sucking habit before it causes permanent long-term damage to their oral health. Learning some of the tricks and tips from your dental office and discussing with them your child can be a great boon for adults who simply don’t know how to help their child through the thumb sucking stage.
Why should we visit pediatric dentistry? What are its benefits?
The benefits of visiting a pediatric dentist are more than can be listed in a single article. The simple fact of the matter is that just like any other aspect of health, oral health, particularly in children, cannot be long ignored except at the peril of the well-being of your child. Certainly you can choose to not visit a pediatric dentist and in some cases your child may have zero dental issues and zero problems.
However even the most avid of toothbrushers, which most children are not, will still have dental issues crop up and if left unaddressed and unidentified can lead to serious long-term or even lifetime issues. Children who get into bad oral habits as children often maintain them as adults.
Not only does that mean that you are putting your child at an increased lifetime risk of serious dental complications, tooth extractions, increased chance of root canals, and other types of dental issues but by delaying you are also risking the chance that you will have to end up paying significantly more for a problem that could have been very quickly and affordably fixed without pain to your child or to your wallet.
In addition to that, another long-term consequence of failing to visit a pediatric dentist regularly is that children who do not visit dentists regularly as little ones often become adults who do not see the benefit of dental visits leading them to not only have an increased risk of problems in childhood but an increased risk of dental issues over their entire lifetime. No dental issues get better on their own and it is absolutely essential that regularly visiting your pediatric and adult dental offices becomes an important part of your medical routine to help safeguard your child’s smile now and into the future.
Hilgers, K. K., Redford-Badwal, D., & Reisine, S. (2003). Orthodontic treatment provided by pediatric dentists. American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics : official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists, its constituent societies, and the American Board of Orthodontics, 124(5), 551–560.